Fats, oils and grease from your kitchen hood exhaust fan collect on your roof and form pools. Grease on the roof creates a significant safety hazard for staff and maintenance professionals. Ignoring this issue opens you up to unnecessary liabilities, code violations and expensive repairs or replacements.
Different roof systems will react differently to grease contamination, but they all have one thing in common- damage to your roof system.
80% of food industries have roof deterioration due to grease and oil discharge from the exhaust fan and 8 out of 10 will require expensive repairs due to lack of rooftop grease containment.
Rooftop Grease Control Solutions
The Grease Gutter
The Grease Gutter is an excellent solution for preventing rooftop grease collection. Absorption materials absorb grease while allowing water to pass through. This system is an off-the-roof containment device, making it very easy to visibly insure that grease does not reach the rooftop. Constructed of V-O polymers, it is weather resistant and will last for years.
The Grease Gutter Sidekick
For applications where the Grease Gutter can't fit, the Side Kick is another solution for systems with wall mount fans and unusually constructed ventilation.